Faculty of Agriculture Staff & students 1948

Faculty of Agriculture Staff & students 1948
identifier 6269
title Faculty of Agriculture Staff & students 1948
description (l-r): Back row - J Begg; RR Storrier; G Lee; BG Lukins; PV Joyner; JC Laughlin; CJ Brady; JC Newman; JC Saunders; JC Barrie; JM George; AD Mears; 8th row - ER Cook; J Walker; JS Cranston; NW Vane; LJ McHugh; GR Ireland; BE Mackey; SP Saville; 7th row - RM Horden; HM Churchward; RG Redmayne; AK Morrison; WE Wright; RW Bloch; E Newton; EA Roberts; 6th row - RF Forrest; AJ Harris; EA Colley; FC Crofts; CW Harand; RA Potter; AK Frazier; KS Buckley; 5th Row - WC Mills; RF Passel; AS Peterson; JF Pinson; DF Freeman; FJ Simpson; TL Stockley; DL Jackson; DW Edwards; BD Latter; GV Harrison; RW Harris; AP Young; JD McFarlane; MH Walker; 4th row - RH Ridge; AV Tims; J Garrett; K Scott; DJ Crowe; RJ Jessup; KA Morgan; JL Dillon; J Giovanelli; JF McPherson; TR Perry; MF Swinbourne; J Escott; 3rd row - TA O'Brien; BL Sheldon; M McDonald; BG Dabey; MC Stannard; CT Griffith; DJ Goodchild; R Burton; PA Cahill; HC Haskew; CH Purss; NO McLeod; BV Morse; 2nd row - Mr Humpoletz; Mr C Warner; G Robertson; P Scott; S Smith; JM Richards; S Baker; K Donovan; G Gordon; F Robertson; J Balmain; H Esserman; H Purchase; L Ward; Mr F Gibbons; Front row - Mr JR Fisher; Dr Gutman; Dr F Bowman; Mr EJ Breakwell; Mr JM Vincent; Prof WL Waterhouse; Prof JRA McMillan; Dr EG Hallsworth; Dr NH White; Dr B Breyer; Br DB Duncan; Dr H Silberman; D Shaw.
type still image
publisher University of Sydney Archives
rights This image may be used for research or educational purposes, in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).
formatMedium Photograph
rightsholder University of Sydney
dateCreated 1948
submitted_by_name Nyree Morrison
archivesIdentifier G29_6_010